Saturday 20 September 2014

INTRODUCTIONS!!!!! (From the Super MEATO Crew)

For oooooone time! And one time only! Introducing...--drum roll please! *drum rolls expertly* *symbols CRASH!*-- MEATO!!! Yes. MEATO, that’s our name. Well more precisely it’s an acronym for your 5 admin’s names (and yes you read that right, you get all 5 of us):


Get it? MEATO! Yep… You get it…. *clears throat* (moving on…) Welcome! Now we’re sure you’re all wondering what you can expect us, right here, on this blog page. And we can honestly tell you… that we have no clue… BUT! But! (pft butt haha), we are pleased to tell you that the theme of our blog is VIDEO GAMES. We all have decided to dedicate ourselves to video game related topics and content which may include reviews, gaming updates, thoughts on trends and tons of other different things. We also would like to add that we all do actually have independent brains, and with that comes differing opinions and perspectives; we acknowledge, like-wise, we are only human and we may have a different perspective to you. So STEP ON UP! Don’t be shy; leave a comment telling us how you feel. We'll get through any and all comments that are posted on out posts.
And so, dear readers, you have PLENTY to look forward to in the near future! To make things easier we recommend that you subscribe to our (RSS) feed so you will be notified when we post an update, but no we are not your parents so we’re not going to force you if you don’t want to. But you should anyway! So then, what are you waiting for? Go procrastinate some more!

*Introductions Over*

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